Hi, I'm LilyVOX!

I will now be reading our very simple and fair Refund Policy.

We always try to take care of our users' needs.

You may only request a refund if you have not used our product and you cannot install it. You are not allowed to request a refund if you have used our product. You are also not allowed to request a refund if you just didn't like the product.

We are not required to refund your account. This refund policy applies to all of our software and products. When requesting a refund, please contact us through email, our social media platforms, or through our contact form. You must not request a refund through email, our social media platforms, or through our contact form if you did not meet the Terms of Service. Please do not try to request a refund if you violated the Terms of Service or are excommunicated. If you requested a refund after 30 days, we will not be able to help you at all. We have the right to decide if you are going to be allowed a refund or not. You are not allowed to request a refund if you did not like the product.

If you requested a refund for no reason, you will be banned from the server and our website. If you did not follow our refund policy, we will not refund your account. You are not allowed to request a refund if you did not like the product or if you used the product. You are not allowed to request a refund if you have an excommunicated or banned account.

If you recieve a refund and do not return your product, that is theft, and you will be arrested. Always be sure to return your product when recieving a refund from RPME co. If you do not return your product within 2 business days of recieving the refund in your account, you will be banned and put on our list. We have a ZERO tolerance policy for shoplifters.

Do not pirate our software. No. If we find that you pirated our software, we will report it to the FBI. This means if you try to download our software for free on any website other than our own, you will get in trouble with the law. Always download our software through our website and absolutely nowhere else, without exception, under no circumstances whatsoever, as it is of utmost importance to stress that engaging in unauthorized distribution, reproduction or dissemination of our proprietary applications, whether through peer-to-peer networks, torrent sites, or any other means, is strictly prohibited, and constitutes a clear violation of our Intellectual Property Rights. If you try to download our software through a torrent site or other means, it is illegal and will not work. AnnieVOX does not permit piracy of her software. It is a very serious offense. You will be excommunicated effective immediately.

Do not scam our users. If you scam our users, we will report you to the FBI. We do not like scam artists and will not help you at all. You are not allowed to scam our users. We will not refund you if you scam our users.

Please do not abuse our refund policy. This is a very serious offense. We will not help you with a refund if you abused our refund policy. We also do not refund accounts that have not used our product. We have the right to deny a refund if we feel that you have abused our refund policy.

We have the right to NOT give you a refund. We will only refund you if you have not used the product and if you have a reason to request a refund that RPME deems valid enough to receive a refund. Otherwise, no refunds.

Thank you so much for reading our Refund Policy! By purchasing our software or products, you are agreeing to the Terms of Service and the Refund Policy. We take all of your comments and feedback very seriously. We are very careful of our users' opinions! We always try to improve our products. You may report any bug if you find one. You may report any problem if you find any. You may report any issue if you encounter one. But you will not find any of those. Thank you!

Intellectual Property Rights

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