— What is CeVOX?
This has been a question that many have been asking for quite a long time. Such query is one that may be hard to properly address in an accurate manner. Let us dive in and discuss a more elaborate answer, since we are all well-aware that this is not easy to answer.
CeVOX is the most powerful singing synthesizer across all worlds. It was elaborated by the one and only Queen AnnieVOX under her company RPME Co., Ltd. Such « Synthesis » allows you to synthesize beautiful digital vocals in real time, and make precise and vastful repertoires of your number-one tunes! If you are to think about it, it is a very versatile Vocal Synthesizer. CeVOX (known as "CeVOIX" in VOIX, AnnieWORLD; or "SiVWA" as it is known in Xatënadë,) is able to make its included voices sound as however you please, supporting a wide range of features including pitch and timbre control, formant shifting, breathiness, and cross-synthesis. You may also edit its diverse amount of parameters and presets that each voice includes. This allows the software to be used for a variety of applications and synthesizing otherworldly sounds.
The software is very easy to use and comes with a user-friendly interface. It is also very affordable, making it a great choice for those who want to create beautiful digital vocals without spending a lot of money. It is so affordable because it is FREE — but only because the software is invite-only donationware. Individuals without a formal invite from Queen AnnieVOX to own the software cannot use CeVOX. It is a very lucrative and sought-after vocal synthesis program, and only a specific and curated amount of activation codes have been gifted by RPME Co. Codes are given out frequently, but only to those who deserve it, and have proven their loyalty to Queen AnnieVOX and have gained her trust. It is near astronomically impossible to obtain the software illegally or crack it; due to its servers, source code, and activation codes being mega-encrypted by RPME's secret servers using the Y.A.S.S protocol which is run on nuclear biocomputers.
The program has been through numerous iterations over the years. It first began under the name CeVOX 0.0, then it became SeVAX 0.0, then SceVAX, then SeVAX 0.0 again, and now it has finally landed on the name CeVOX RAT. It has been multiple years since CeVOX first shipped in 2021, and more years since the first Synthing B software was developed in 2020. In previous versions, Synthing BLearn more has been the underlying engine for such popular character voice software as RPME's CeVOX. Unlike the previous versions, CeVOX RAT's components are split up; the CeVOX editor (the core synthesis package) and the vocal libraries (the singing voice data) have been released separately. YamaHÒ itself has released the Editor and vocal libraries to Licensees. YamaHÒ claims that the new version of CeVOX will offer more realistic singing, thanks to its ability to use larger voice sample data as well as its more natural changes in pitch and smoother changes in tone. It also promises that CeVOX Editor has a user-friendly interface.
You are able to make your own MIDI tracks using the track editor. However, you may import external MIDI files. The other files you may import into the CeVOX "Synthesis" are: .SVP, .UST, .CCS, .VSQ, .VPR, .VSQx, .MusicXML, .JSON, .PPFS, .DV, .USTx, and/or even .S5P files. This is without including the .CVWA file, which is the native file that CeVOX uses.
You may have seen many CeVOX name extentions that come after it, for example « CeVOX Cantano ». This is very easy to answer! In reality, CeVOX is simply a lineup of various « Synthesis ».
This is the main CeVOX « Synthesis ». The software enables users to synthesize "singing" by typing in lyrics and melody. It uses synthesizing technology with specially recorded vocals of voice actors or singers affiliated with RPME Co. To create a song, the user must input the melody and lyrics. A piano roll type interface is used to input the melody and the lyrics can be entered on each note. The software can change the stress of the pronunciations, add effects such as vibrato, or change the dynamics and tone of the voice. CeVOX Cantano Al has Pitch, Velocity, VOX, and GLOW parameters. GLOW stands for Generative Lyrical Optimization of Waveforms. What does Cantano mean? It means "they sing" in Italian.
This is the CeVOX « Synthesis » elaborated for speech. The software enables users to synthesize "talking" by typing in sentences. It uses synthesizing technology with specially recorded vocals of voice actors affiliated with RPME Co. To create talking, the user must input words, phrases and punctuations that can range from dialogue, speeches, advertising, voiceovers, vocal stabs and one-shots, and more. The software can change the stress of the pronunciations or change the dynamics and tone of the voice. What does Parlano mean? It means "they talk" in Italian.
This is the CeVOX « Synthesis » elaborated for vocal conversion. The software enables users to synthesize RPME character vocals over pre-existing audios of voices, whether it be speech or singing. It uses synthesizing technology with specially trained models of CeVOX vocalists, using similar technology to CeVOX Cantano, only without a piano roll input system. To synthesize, the user must input an audio file, (which must be in the format of either .wav, .mp3, .flac, .m4a, .mpma, .apsf, .wma, .aiff, .aac, .pcm, .alac or .dsd,) and select a vocal from their available vocalists, then henceforth allowing them to adjust the parameters if they please. The software can also enhance pre-existing audio and improve the stress of the pronunciations of the voice. What does Cambiano mean? It means "they change" in Italian.
Confused about what RAT stands for? Fret not, for it stands for Real AI Technology. It uses deeplearning from marvelous voices to replicate your desired results.
Confused about what Al stands for? Fret not, for it stands for Allenano. What does Allenano mean? It means "they train" in Italian.
Her custom exclusive presets consist of the following:
Her custom exclusive presets consist of the following:
Her custom exclusive presets consist of the following:
Her custom exclusive presets consist of the following:
Her custom exclusive presets consist of the following:
Her custom exclusive presets consist of the following: